Carrow of US and England Member of Guild One-Name Studies ( Carowe,Carru, Carrew etc.)
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Those Places Thursday - My DNA matches to Wales - Wilds,David,Rees,Jones,Tilton and Carrow
I have three( at the very least) 4th cousin DNA matches to men who still live in the UK and we ( Jones,Kitson,Stanley) have puzzled to figure this out.. 4th cousin is close ancestrally but if the families are interrelated it can look like that..
We do know as we all four share the same segment of DNA that we share an ancestor..
New research in the form of Delaware Land Records have gotten me back further and more definitive emigrations times:
"In 1703 they removed to the land purchased by them in Pencader Hundred, and built a meeting-house on the site of the present church. In the same year the membership was increased by the addition of Thomas John, and Rebecca, from Wales; and by profession of faith and baptism, John Wild, Thomas Wild, Samuel Wild..."
and.." Evan Rees and James Howell were the heads of
two Welsh Baptist families who settled in Duck
Creek hundred in 1733, having come hither, with
others (James Hyatt, Nathaniel Wilds, David Evan,
David Rees, Evan David Hughs and Joshua Ed-
wards), from the Welsh Tract in Pencader hundred,
and were members of that church. (Morgan Ed-
wards's ''History of the Baptists in Delaware.")
According to this historian, the first emigration
from the Welsh Tract into Duck Creek hundred
took place in the year 1733."
My John Carrow born in 1783 is thus mostly Welsh.. South Wales..
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Wisdom Wednesday - A Genie Friend's Tip- Delaware Land Records at Ancestry - Joshua and Nathaniel Wilds
Joshua and Nathaniel Wilds
February 1739
My John Carrow lives on Nathaniel Wilds plantation and we think due to that that his wife is Jean( Jane) Wilds. He is entitled to rents from that land, however how and why Joshua Wilds comes there has been shrouded in mists. This shows some clarity and also sheds light on his ancestry as this land record indicates that the older Nathaniel Wilds in Pencader Hundred is his brother.
William Carrow his uncle is born in New Castle County which had also been a puzzle. Light is beginning to dawn for me as I read how Joshua got into Kent County. They are Welsh Tract Welsh.
"John Kirkpatrick is witness to a 17 May 1735 deed between Nathaniel Wilds,
sadler of Newcastle County upon Delaware, PA and Joshua Wilds, farmer, of
Cecil County."
Mary Wilds - 28 May 1733- St.Maryanne's Parish, Cecil Maryland to Joshua Wilds and Ruth.
" Deed 23 Nov. 1739. Ruth Wild of Kent Co., Widow & Admin of hr husband
Joshua Wild, dcd, also Admin of her brother-in-law Nathaniel Wild dcd.,
and Esther Lewis of Pencader Hd in NCC for 23 pounds sold to Benjamin
Elder of Mill Creek Hd in sd Co., their share of messuage tract cont
150 acres sit. in Pencader Hd. Formerly belonged to David THOMAS
dcd... by Thomas' Last Will, 3/4 of sd Messuage tract was made over to
afsd Joshua Wild, Nathaniel Wild & Esther Lewis. Bounds land of John
England, dcd David Jones, John Evans dcd, Benjamin Cooke and Joseph
Brown. Signed Ruth Wild, Esther Lewis. Wits John Griffith, Thos James
Rob Birney.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Those Places Thursday- Delmarva from where exactly?
As I get older ( this week a milestone birthday) I am particularly interested in knowing where, perhaps 1,000 years ago, my ancestors lived. John Edenfield and William his brother who find their way to Kent County Delaware near Dover at their deaths. They are said to be born in Ovendon Yorkshire and their father and grandfather dies near Halifax Yorkshire
Rebecca French Wilson who married a cousin Thomas Wilson and was widowed then marries John Edenfield and becomes son-in-law to William Winsmore who had the estate called"Pipe Elm".
Rebecca's mother Elizabeth was a French who had children with her first husband Matthew Wilson and a daughter Mary with her 2nd husband William Winsmore a prominent planted and settler.
"Wilson, Mathew Of Somerset County, by 1672 transported himself, Elizabeth, his wife, Cornelius Scull, John Collinson, William Thompson, Joseph Thompson, & Mathew Wilson and Wilson, and By 1667 transported himself, Elizabeth his wife & Elizabeth his daughter"
"Deposition. Christopher Cockram aged about 49 years being legally sworn, saith that about 23 years ago he did live then on the plantation that had been Thomas Willson's being pt/o a tr of land called Great Pipelm, then in possession of John Edenfield who intermarried Rebecca, widow & relict of Thomas Willson, & this deponent saith that about the time afsd there happened a difference about the bounds between Richard Nixon & the afsd John Edenfield who said that as Richard Nixon had possett on his land, that he would press & have his quantity of land out of the land of William Winsmore, who carried said John Edenfield unto a black oak standing near a swamp (sw from said tree, now dead, standing nw by n 21 ft from a white oak, this day marked by Samuel Galloway for Joshua Nickerson & George Hart & George Robisson parties concerned in order to perpetuate their bounds) & that said Wm Winsmore at the time, about 23 years ago, said in this deponent's hearing unto John Edenfield that the dead black oak before mentioned was the first bounded tree of his land & that he could not come any farther into his land & farther saith that said Wm Winsmore brought Benjamin Shurmer to survey the trs of land in dispute who begun the first butt at the black oak now dead, and further saith not. Before me Jno David. Attest. Jno Housman re "
Monday, May 25, 2015
Military Monday - Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Medals were framed by his nephew James Gunn Ingram and sent back to Scotland to his namesake, Ian Robert Gunn.
Private Robert Gunn, January 24, 1944, Monte Cassino Italy. Robert Gunn worked for the Railroad and had a deferment but volunteered to enlist. He was a private in the York and Lancaster Regiment and received the UK Army Roll of Honor.
Between 17 January and 18 May, Monte Cassino and the Gustav defences were assaulted four times by Allied troops, the last involving twenty divisions attacking along a twenty-mile front. The German defenders were finally driven from their positions, but at a high cost. The capture of Monte Cassino tolled some 55,000 Allied casualties, with German losses being estimated at around 20,000 killed and wounded.
Louis G. Carrow was my Great Uncle, my Grandmother's younger brother and also died in Italy. He was 18 years old when he died in Nettuno Italy serving in 7th Infantry Regt. Third Infantry Division. He was reinterred in Baltimore National Cemetery in 1948.
George Patrick Faunt was also my Great Uncle, a much younger brother of my Grandfather Edward Faunt. He was born in Penns Grove New Jersey in 1918 and also died in Italy in 1944. He left a widow who gave birth to his posthumous son 4 months later and his widowed mother.
Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, may perpetual light shine upon them, and may they rest in peace ~
Friday, April 3, 2015
New Ancestors You Tell Me? No proof? Is this an April fool trick?
After a neat overnight getaway, I came back to find I had a new ancestral couple from AncestryDNA..Really? Where can this couple fit? I am not all all sure although they tell me this:
"Your DNA matches the DNA of members of the Salathiel Lacy Houk DNA Circle. Because you match DNA with this group, there is a good chance (about 50%) you could be a descendant of Salathiel Lacy Houk."
..And they are telling me that this is proven because I have a strong match to 3 of the 5 people listed below.
They seem to be proving this via some sketchy looking trees which at least 3 people have different relatives in.
My Circle above to Francis and Catherine Rementer works better BUT one of those 4 people has an incorrect ancestor and is not descended directly from Francis or his wife.So they are basing this on what? Other people's incorrect trees?
WHICH Ancestor is it linked to,surely not both as we inherit from one ancestor and not a pair?
So I think they laid an egg on this one. A chromosome browser would have cleared up this big mystery for sure.
I cannot find anyone in this tree any where at all. This line of Houk's seem to move directly from Berks County PA to Tennessee and then Texas? Cotton farmers it is said in this catchy little anecdotal blurb they have shared with me.
The problem is that ALL of my own ancestors have remained in either the Delaware Valley or the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Collateral relatives of my ancestors would not be my relatives would they?
I have responded on the appropriate Beta form, so I sincerely hope that Ancestry corrects this unworkable exercise and cleans up their act. They have such a large database that they could do so well with just a few tools.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Tuesday's Tip - Fishing in all 3 major DNA pools ~ When the tide rises all the boats will float~
AncestryDNA has 32 pp matches for me ( about 1900) and 30 matches are 4th cousin or closer.. 3 of those are 2nd and 3rd..Note.. TWO known to me 3rd cousins are said to be distant, which is not correct.
14 Leaf hints and one 4 person circle with one of those someone who does NOT share the ancestor with the rest of us although he has not fixed his tree or answered any emails..
For 23andme I currently have 1206 matches ( I rid myself of some 200 unresponsive distant matches a year or two ago)
10 are close relatives that I have tested.. 8 are 2-3rd cousins ( including the TWO Cousins who tested at Ancestry)
and 449 more or 4th cousins.. 467 total if you include the 18 close matches..
My Sister has MORE 4th cousins.. 526 including the close 23andme
At FTDNA I have 665 matches TOTAL and 8 are closer than 4th.. most known to me.. and 22 for sure closer than 5th cousins.. then it drops off quickly..
Few of my FTDNA matches have confirmed anything or even gotten back to me..
I am grateful that I have been able to test at all 3 places.. One big brick wall was broken down at AncestryDNA.. and a 2nd success was that the Circle pointed out to me that I had a lot of Rementer cousins who tested there..
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Surname Saturday ~ Descendants of Peter Rementer ~ No World Tree for me
AncestryDNA is making many many terrible mistakes with their product.Last week they blogged at Roots Tech about their improved Circle which would make Trees unnecessary.
Here is what happens without accurate records. In my only Circle at AncestryDNA I have 4 people. One person does not descend from my Francis X. Rementer at all,but from someone else via this Frederick Rementer. He does not seem to know this although he did once have it in his Tree. This death certificate ( from proves it..
Everyone is moving towards a One World Tree which has vast and awful implications I think..
I am not cooperating with anything besides my own basic lines. I started to put a Tree on Family but they started to load incorrect information so I took it out.. and they reprimanded me saying that I had removed other people's information..which was untrue.
" Dear Kathleen Carrow Ingram,
According to our research, you have recently deleted more than 25 records from Family Tree. Deleting records that you have not contributed will affect family history work of others...
Just as a reminder, Family Tree is an open-edit, collaborative system. There are no private records or pedigrees in Family Tree, except those records of living individuals that you create... If you wish to have private records of your ancestors, we suggest you use a personal computer program that is not online"
What I actually DID do is to delete a Tree that I was building on my own sign in at their site. Shame on me!!
My personal rant on Surname Saturday!
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Shopping Saturday - Choices in Family Trees
Family Trees are a bit confusing..
My Heritage for me is free at this point in time but to confirm anything it wants to upgrade to Premium.. I only intend to have a tree less than 250 nodes( people?) so that it remains free.. so I cannot ever confirm anything..and just at 23andme.. if they expand it, I will expand it but for right now it does not allow me.. I do have all of my genetic relatives attached to the 23andme tree.. 11 of us connected..
Others use Can it stay private? Does anyone have a Tree there? Thinking about that one also since record search is free..
However which is decidedly NOT Free and that I pay through the nose to use as World Deluxe ( Irish and UK records) is likely what I will stay with..
My Tribal Pages Tree may remain but I am NOT going to upgrade to premium this year as has my major Tree..
Who else has something else?
There is a Tree of sorts at FamilyTreeDNA but it is not a good one I don't think..
I should go and look and make sure the Gedcom is current.. which it probably is NOT
Software does not work for me..Twice I purchased Family Tree Maker and it crashed completely..
I do have the free Legacy software that also lets me keep records but if my computer crashed then that crashes also..
SOOO it is for now..
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