Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday's Tip - Fishing in all 3 major DNA pools ~ When the tide rises all the boats will float~

AncestryDNA has  32 pp matches for me ( about 1900) and 30 matches are 4th cousin or closer.. 3 of those are 2nd and 3rd..Note.. TWO known to me 3rd cousins are said to be distant, which is not correct.
14 Leaf hints and one 4 person circle with one of those someone who does NOT share the ancestor with the rest of us although he has not fixed his tree or answered any emails..

 For  23andme I currently have 1206 matches ( I rid myself of some 200 unresponsive distant matches a year or two ago)
10 are close relatives that I have tested.. 8 are 2-3rd cousins ( including the TWO Cousins who tested at Ancestry)
and 449 more or 4th cousins.. 467 total if you include the 18 close matches..

My Sister has MORE 4th cousins.. 526 including the close matches..at 23andme

At FTDNA I have 665 matches TOTAL and 8 are closer than 4th.. most known to me.. and 22 for sure closer than 5th cousins.. then it drops off quickly..
Few of my FTDNA matches have confirmed anything or even gotten back to me..

I am grateful that I have been able to test at all 3 places.. One big brick wall was broken down at AncestryDNA.. and a 2nd success was that the Circle pointed out to me that I had a lot of Rementer cousins who tested there..

The remainder of my successes have been at 23andme..


1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are serious about this DNA testing! I've only done FTDNA, but am slogging my way through 773 matches at the moment. It's been a rare person who has initiated contact, though. I find myself the one reaching out. Some respond, some don't. It will be a long while before I can say I've contacted them all...until then, I can hardly foresee myself testing at any other companies. I've got a full plate as it is.
