It surely has been awhile since I posted.I have
been managing 5 genetic genealogy DNA accounts which is very very time
consuming.This will be a brief return and I will try to do
Two of the biggest mysteries I wanted to solve with autosomal DNA was first to
ascertain my Grandfather's identity and that has been done. This week 23andme introduced an
"Ancestry Finder" program that is both exciting and informative. It shows the 23
chromosomes and our matches, even those who decline to contact. l It is a bit
like a crystal ball and shows my ethnic background in a nutshell as # 1 Ireland
and #2 Norway. (well it varies a bit but I said a nutshell)
Very wonderful experience for me.
The number two
mystery I wanted to unravel was the family of my mitoDNA ancestor Margaret Lynch of Cork who is
born in 1841 and marries Charles Rementer most likely in 1860 in Rhode Island. I
have known of her existence for almost 30 years and have
gotten no further than that.
Enter DNA and I
have a very close match with a full sequence Mitochondrial test which shows 2 of
us as being almost 2 peas in a pod with J2b1a1 mutations. Our ancestors both
hailed from Cork around 1840. We have hung in THAT spot for almost 2
My buddy and I have tested first our own autosomal DNA and then a
host of cousins and siblings ( I have but
one).My sister Carol, bless her, spit for the family cause and with that we
miraculously got two matches on her DNA.My DNA apparently did not take this
Having been recently told by a cousin that our Lynch
family was said to be cousins with the noted John L.Sullivan, I pounced on both
a Lynch and a Sullivan cousin match when they "came in". Apparently my Margaret
was born to a Jeremiah Lynch and a Mary or Margaret Sullivan from the Beara peninsula near Bantry Bay.
I definitely have a general location and also know that
THIS generation at least came to Newport Rhode Island and stayed in New England
for keeps. Later generations of Sullivans may not have done so.
I am
Carrow of US and England Member of Guild One-Name Studies ( Carowe,Carru, Carrew etc.)
Sunday, December 30, 2012
It's Been How Long? Repost from February 2012
It has been a whole year since I have
communicated via this blog.I DO Communicate on Facebook where I have some groups
for family and genetic genealogy and at the various DNA testing sites where I
participate.Find me there!
Last year was one of change..some health issues, now remedied resulted in losing 47 pounds and walking two miles a day.My better half fell and broke 5 ribs so we were pretty much chained to the farm, as well as needing daily help with the horses.Upwards and onwards is my motto this year.
March will find us in Florida for 10 days in our travel trailer.April we will be at our Beach house on the Outer Banks with family for Easter. In June we hope for a week in New Jersey and then back to the Beach in July with maybe the whole family. While in Florida I will spend a day with my 2nd cousin who "found" me via my Tree.Our grandmother's were sisters.
Currently I am waiting with bated breath for my 23andme test results to be uploaded to Family Tree DNA.I am hoping to match with lots of new cousins via that route.The Norway DNA site has maybe 50 people who have tested there.I have joined that group.
As administrator of 5 surname groups there I anticipate matches with Irish cousins and Colonial Delaware folks also.FTDNA where I originally tested almost 6 years ago is pairing with a genealogy company and they will reciprocally share records.
April 2 the 1940 census will be available and am SO Looking forward to finding new information.Additionally has an autosomal large group of tests coming out in some fashion. I have several DNA groups there as well.Wondering if they will allow uploads from either FTDNA or 23andme?
Finally 23andme has begun some exciting new efforts for Genealogy minded customers. They also at this point are the "biggest game in town" with 200,000+ autosomal kits. I remain committed to them for cousin matches but new winds are blowing everywhere as regards to genetic genealogy.
Life is exciting for those of us who participate in this field of interest
Last year was one of change..some health issues, now remedied resulted in losing 47 pounds and walking two miles a day.My better half fell and broke 5 ribs so we were pretty much chained to the farm, as well as needing daily help with the horses.Upwards and onwards is my motto this year.
March will find us in Florida for 10 days in our travel trailer.April we will be at our Beach house on the Outer Banks with family for Easter. In June we hope for a week in New Jersey and then back to the Beach in July with maybe the whole family. While in Florida I will spend a day with my 2nd cousin who "found" me via my Tree.Our grandmother's were sisters.
Currently I am waiting with bated breath for my 23andme test results to be uploaded to Family Tree DNA.I am hoping to match with lots of new cousins via that route.The Norway DNA site has maybe 50 people who have tested there.I have joined that group.
As administrator of 5 surname groups there I anticipate matches with Irish cousins and Colonial Delaware folks also.FTDNA where I originally tested almost 6 years ago is pairing with a genealogy company and they will reciprocally share records.
April 2 the 1940 census will be available and am SO Looking forward to finding new information.Additionally has an autosomal large group of tests coming out in some fashion. I have several DNA groups there as well.Wondering if they will allow uploads from either FTDNA or 23andme?
Finally 23andme has begun some exciting new efforts for Genealogy minded customers. They also at this point are the "biggest game in town" with 200,000+ autosomal kits. I remain committed to them for cousin matches but new winds are blowing everywhere as regards to genetic genealogy.
Life is exciting for those of us who participate in this field of interest
Was This a Defining Moment for the Faunt Family?
Repost from 2/11/2011

Our Faunt family has connected on several levels in
the past two years. Cousins from the siblings of my Patrick Faunt who share William and
Ellen as progenitors are sharing pieces of what we know. Two weeks ago the 1885
New Jersey census index was online and I found our family in somewhat different
configurations than I saw in the 1880 census.
My Patrick , married to Mary Dugan and listed as "Patsy"
is listed in two separate places, although both are him. William and Ellen and
younger children are joined by Louisa Faunt.Louisa I had previously found in the 1900
census with a baby named Helen ( another variation of Ellen).I did not know who
she was but her place in the 1885 census as a child less than 5 must signify she
is a child of the family.
I have never been able to find Ellen Faunt's death but after
William dies in February 1889 she marries Charles Schneider a Prussian born
baker. Her daughters Jennie and Nelly are married in that decade. Is Ellen
deceased by 1900? I think she may be and surely in 1911 when her son Michael
passes away as his obituary so states.
Now I go on to look at the events posted here
and wonder if the commitment of William Faunt to the state hospital
signified in 1887 the end of the family living together? Did the deaths of the
two children above cause a crisis in the family? They lost at least 4 children,
one a first William in Belfast before they immigrated.Does the peace bond against Ellen Faunt predict or tell us
Patrick Faunt married Mary Dugan in 1883.They lost at least one child also
and Mary Dugan
passes away in 1902. Edward Faunt my grandfather was less than 4 and Jesse
was 2. Patrick as a single parent leaves something to be desired or maybe the
times were just very tough. Grandpop told me nothing of those years except
that evictions were constant and that the children often needed to run home from
school to save their possessions which were at the curb.
He never said he was motherless but that
surely played into his inability to cope with his own 4 children when
Grandmother Retta
dies at 25.
Was this a family in trouble between 1885 and
William's death in 1889. What did "dementia " mean in this case? Did he have a
stroke or was he a very heavy drinker? He was only 47 years old. Did his
children take sides? Children of his younger brother William, who was affluent,
know nothing about our family. William Faunt's children visited with Jennie and
Nelly's families over the years.
Was my "Patsy " a drinker or a gambler? He
marries again possibly twice and has two children Helen born in 1915 and George
Patrick 1918. George Patrick Faunt is killed in WWII.
I don't know, maybe he just remained tied to
Old Country ways because the Dugans, his in laws visited in Beverly and were know to
us.. Surely poor Patsy was not successful. His wife Mary and his mother worked
as Green Grocers both in Beverly and Philadelphia until their deaths, that part
we do know.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Musing on newer DNA tests
Notes on The GenoChip 2 atDNA testing seen at Rootsweb Genealogy-DNA.. "I have tried the Admixture proportions tool and find the data surprisingly close to my 23andMe data " John Walden
" FTDNA won't have as many SNPs in common with the GenoChip as 23andMe does " Ann Turner
"This admixture tool is different than the other ones reviewed here because it is looking at deep ancestry from thousands of years ago. Personally, as a genealogist, I don't find it as informative or as satisfying as the admixture results that reflect more recent ancestry." Cece Moore on her Genetic Geneologist.
I am not rushing to test this one either..
AncestryDNA 's new effort as discussed by my cousin BobbyQ and I..Me " The close relative matches are fine but they need more depth in the other areas. Bob "Ancestry.comDNA is like The Powder River, a mile wide and an inch deep, too thick to drink and too thin to plough."
So there I am..
" FTDNA won't have as many SNPs in common with the GenoChip as 23andMe does " Ann Turner
"This admixture tool is different than the other ones reviewed here because it is looking at deep ancestry from thousands of years ago. Personally, as a genealogist, I don't find it as informative or as satisfying as the admixture results that reflect more recent ancestry." Cece Moore on her Genetic Geneologist.
I am not rushing to test this one either..
AncestryDNA 's new effort as discussed by my cousin BobbyQ and I..Me " The close relative matches are fine but they need more depth in the other areas. Bob "Ancestry.comDNA is like The Powder River, a mile wide and an inch deep, too thick to drink and too thin to plough."
So there I am..
Thursday, December 13, 2012
For My Family and Friends - My thoughts on Autosomal Testing for Genealogy
23andme tests the entire genome which is 22 chromosomes and
the X and the Y and mitoDNA.A male has one X and one Y.Everyone has
mitoChondrial DNA which they inherit from their mother, only females pass on
their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).Females have 2 Xs,one from each parent.Men get
one only from their mother..
The test is Autosomal which means across the whole genome
and arrayed are 2 of each chromosome ( maternal and paternal)They are in tiny tiny pieces called SNPS which is
different from older tests on
mitoDNA and Y DNA tests which are in STRS. STRS are bigger chunks of
These autosomal snps are in clusters inherited through your
ancestors and are specific to YOU and your family.Anyone who you share a
segment with is related to YOU, the larger the segment the more closely
related.Smaller segments of less than 6.5cM are thought to indicate an
ancestral place or a very distant ancestor and shared by many more people.
I now have 1082 cousin matches,some are my first cousins who
I knew about. Others are startlingly with people I never knew about who descend
with me from John Carrow’s line
1660-1750; Charles Swanson in 1809;my many Irish ancestors and a few
cousin from the same small village north of the Arctic Circle where my
grandfather Sigurd Boe was born.
23andme also tests health traits for the same $99 and they
are also available to you without charge. Every time new tests get completed
new cousin matches and health traits are sent to you.
I have tested Family Tree DNA's Family Finder, 23andme and
DeCodeME ( by upload). I have not tested at AncestryDNA but it is available to
me via a cousin and it is not as good as the other two.
I feel 23andme is the BEST autosomal test It has the largest
database at about 200,000 and are now in a growth phase to reach 1 Million..
Family Tree DNA has about 35,000 and AncestryDNA has slightly more than 50,000
( they have given many free tests out)
I am an Administrator of 5 surname groups at Family Tree
DNA, 3 Ancestor Projects at and 5 at and others are called “third party” comparison
sites. They are available to folks for free.
You must have access to your Raw Genome to transfer your
data to the third party currently does not allow you access
to your own genome so transfers cannot happen.
Family Tree DNA allows upload of 23andme genome for a
transfer fee of $89. You must have a V3( newer test) to do that upload.23andme
does not upload FTDNA data at this time. AncestryDNA used to allow you to manually
put your test results from other companies into their groups but that is no
longer being done.
DEcodeME is an Icelandic company that allowed genome
transfer but they have been purchased by another company.
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