Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday Places From the Past - Western Northern Liberties, Philadelphia in 1799 and Henry Norbeck

My 6th Great Grandfather Henry Norbeck was a  Nailer living in West Northern Liberties at his death in 1799. In 1798 his home was described for tax purposes as being a two story brick structure  16 x 18 feet and with a 10 x 14 one story separate kitchen. 

He lived on North 2nd Street which at that time was at the TOP of the map. He may have come from Norway to Rotterdam where he sailed at the same time as the Palatinates. His daughter Mary Dorothy married John Hunneker/Honaker and their daughter Catherine married the son of Peter Rementer/Regimenter.

Peter Rementer, John Hunneker and Henry Norbeck all were proven by me as Revolutionary War Patriots in the Daughters of the American Revolution. The DAR chose Honaker as the spelling they recognize.


  1. So, it would appear that you and I are related, as Peter Rementer and John Hunneker are both my 4th great-grandfathers and and Henry Norbeck is my 5th Great Grandfather.

    1. Kerri.. How cool.. have you tested DNA at least a dozen of us have.. 2 males match and share the Rementer Y line and I match 3 people as cousins..

  2. Well Kathleen you and I are cousins. I am a decedent of Henry's son John Jacob. I think you and should share notes.

  3. There are now 15 families in the Rementer DNA Circle at AncestryDNA..Many many more who test as cousins,, Come and join us..
